Saturday, April 08, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: Real Life

This week's topic at Sunday Scribblings is Real Life.

Is real life the real world, driving to work traffic jams working fingers numb from typing too much nose cold from the wind sneezing the sun setting watching the bills?

Or is it real life to see what is around you? To listen to songs that lift and teach? To watch how the trees slowly bud into spring, to feel the breeze along the cheek, to listen to the pattern of the rain on the roof, to smell the heady scent of the first sweet blossoms? (Even if it does mean a sneeze....) The press of the ground beneath your feet. The heady scent of warm pavement struck by rain. The crunch of gravel. The calls of the birds, greeting this land after the winter. The brilliance of sunlight on glass and flower alike. The tall, drawn-up dignity of trees just beginning to pull on their lightest green coats. The wistful drifting of the clouds. The words that flow between us and within us....


Maggie May said...

I love the imagery and the flow of your words. ~Maggie

Anonymous said...

"The tall, drawn-up dignity of trees just beginning to pull on their lightest green coats." Love that line! Lovely post.

Rebekah said...

Immersion in sweetness that you choose to appreciate very consciously - wonderful "real life."

Jessie said...

mmm--a word poem. lovely.